Drug And Alcohol Addiction: Is It Time For An intervention
If you’re concerned about a family member’s drug or alcohol addiction, an intervention may be in order. An intervention is a formal meeting to discuss the issues surrounding substance abuse and get help for the person who is addicted. The goal of an intervention—which must be done with professional help—is to convince someone who won’t or can’t stop on their own that they need help with their addiction.
What Is An Intervention? Why It Is Necessary?
An intervention is a planned confrontation. The confrontation is aimed at getting the person to accept help and change his or her behavior. The confrontation is done in a supportive manner, so it’s not embarrassing. It’s also done in a way that allows the person to hear your message and respond appropriately.
An intervention is necessary because it’s unlikely the addict will seek help on their own. The individual may be in denial about the extent of their problem or embarrassed by it, which may make them unwilling to go into treatment. Additionally, if you have tried encouraging your loved one to get help and they continue to decline, an intervention could be helpful in providing a strong incentive for them to reconsider.
How Do You Plan For An Intervention?
An intervention is a carefully planned meeting in which the family and friends of a person with drug or alcohol addiction gather to discuss the problem. The people participating in the meeting will have gathered information about local treatment programs, and they will know what to say when they have their chance to speak.
Before you start planning an intervention, choose a time and place for it. Make sure that everyone who’s invited has enough time to make arrangements if they need to fly in from out of town or take off work early. You might want to hold it at your house if you can—though some locations are more private than others—and avoid doing it during holidays, especially around Christmas and New Year’s Eve.
When Is The Best Time To Schedule An Intervention
If possible, it’s best to schedule an intervention as soon as you’re aware that your loved one has a problem. An intervention should take place in a quiet, private location to avoid interruption or distraction. It’s also important that the addict is sober when they are confronted with the truth about their addiction and the consequences of continuing down this path.
If your loved one is currently in treatment for drug addiction or alcoholism, then scheduling an intervention during this time may not be ideal since they will likely be undergoing treatment while getting help from a professional who can provide additional insight into what was just learned during the intervention.
Those who are battling an addiction to alcohol or drugs might benefit greatly from participating in an intervention. Please get in touch with a trained professional interventionist if you or someone you care about is considering whether or not an intervention may be beneficial. They will be able to assist you in navigating the procedure and provide answers to any questions that you may have.